Seattle Public Schools

Recent Completed Projects

Other Construction Projects

Recently Completed Summer Projects

While major school construction projects — school replacement, modernization, and additions — take multiple years, 较小的项目安排在暑假期间,以避免干扰教学. 通常,这些项目的开始日期是在学年结束之后. 有些项目可能会延长到整个夏天,有些项目会在两个夏天完成.

Often termed summer projects because of the timing, 大多数这些项目也被称为系统项目,因为它们涉及学校建筑系统的一部分:供暖和通风, safety, security, windows and doors, roofing, electrical or plumbing, playgrounds and other site improvements, exterior cladding (siding, painting, repairs), and seismic improvements for earthquake safety.

Concord Elementary School

Installed new ramp for accessibility and make related improvements.

  • Funding: BTA V

Eckstein Middle School

Replaced bleachers in gymnasium

  • Funding: BTA V

Franklin High School

Project 1: Replace heat pumps and improve ventilation

  • Funding: BTA V

Project 2: Refreshed wood floors in gymnasium, replaced and updated scoreboards, and added divider curtains

  • Funding: BEX V


  • Funding: BTA IV

Ingraham High School

Replaced bleachers in gymnasium.

  • Funding: BTA V

Lowell Elementary School

Installed ceiling fans for classroom comfort.

  • Funding: BEX V

Madison Middle School

Installed new artificial turf with cork infill. Replaced track. Installed field lights.

  • Funding: BEX V

Roosevelt High School

Made repairs to exterior cladding.

  • Funding: BEX V

Schmitz Park School

Made seismic improvements for earthquake safety.

  • Funding: BEX V

View Ridge Elementary School

Installed ceiling fans for classroom comfort.

  • Funding: BEX V

Washington Middle School

Replaced bleachers in gymnasium

  • Funding: BTA V

West Seattle High School

Installed new artificial turf at field near gymnasium.

  • Funding: BEX V

Beacon Hill Elementary School

Installed ceiling fans in classrooms to improve classroom comfort. 在开放式教室区域安装悬挂式隔音板,减少教室空间之间的声音传播. Replaced main entry walkway. Regraded and repair parking lot for ADA compliance.

  • Funding: BEX V

Cascade Parent Partnership at North Queen Anne

Removed old play area and replaced with new playground.

  • Funding: BEX V

Columbia School

Made seismic improvements for earthquake safety. Installed ceiling fans.

  • Funding: BEX V

Daniel Bagley Elementary School

Removed existing play equipment, grass field, and deteriorated asphalt. Installed new drainage, surfacing, and play equipment at playgrounds areas. 在场地安装了新的排水系统、弹性层和软木填充物的人造草坪. 除篮球场外,所有沥青区域都重新铺设了新的沥青和混凝土镶边.

  • Funding: BEX V

Dearborn Park Elementary School


  • Funding: BEX V

Franklin High School

Upgraded gymnasium fire alarm system. Make electrical system improvements.

  • Funding: BEX V and BTA IV

Gatewood Elementary School

Replaced heat pumps and cooling tower. Refurbished historic exterior doors.

  • Funding: BEX V and BTA IV
two double blue doors with windows above
Refurbished exterior doors – Summer 2022

Graham Hill Elementary School

Removed and replaced playground.

  • Funding: BEX V
a curb cut and ramp to a play area
Concrete ADA compliant ramp to access play area – Summer 2022
playground equipment surrounded by wood fibers
New play equipment and safety surface – Summer 2022
a slide connected to a climbing toy
New play equipment with slide and safety surface – Summer 2022

Made seismic improvements for earthquake safety. Replaced exterior doors.

  • Funding: BTA IV and BEX IV
a brick building has steel beams installed vertically on it
Steel supports added for seismic improvements – Summer 2022
painted steel supports on a brick building
Steel seismic supports painted to match building – Sept. 2022
A wall with heavy wood framing
Cafeteria seismic improvements include strong back walls – Summer 2022
new wallboard is taped
在地震改善后安装和粘贴的自助餐厅墙板- 2022年夏季
walls of a lunchroom painted blue
Cafeteria seismic improvements complete – Sept. 2022

Green Lake Elementary School


  • Funding: BEX V

Ingraham High School

在球场及辅助设施用软木填充物取代现有的人造草皮. 将现有的赛道表面替换为带条纹的新赛道表面,并增加了障碍赛项目. 用后张力混凝土球场和丙烯酸表面取代了现有的网球场, replaced existing chain chain-link fencing, and installed new windscreen. 当天气对决赛有利时,将对网球场进行额外的工作, acrylic surface coating product.

  • Funding: BTA V
  • Timeline: July-November 2022
a blue running track with a green field next to it
concrete forms between a concrete slab and a sidewalk
翻新的混凝土表面和网球场排水的建筑形式- 20222年夏季
People in orange shirts working on a green field
New synthetic turf installed at auxiliary field – Summer 2022
a panoramic view of a field and track from stadium bleachers
新的人造草坪填充软木和新的跑道表面完成- 2022年夏季
concrete with posts sticking up
New concrete surface and drainage installed at tennis courts – Summer 2022

John Standford Center Central Kitchen Renovations, Phase 1

Upgrading existing 30,000 sf central kitchen equipment and systems. 新的系统和设备将促进向100%清洁和可再生能源的过渡. Installed new boiler, new kitchen equipment and dishwashing rack. Installed new kitchen equipment.

  • Funding: BEX V
  • Timeline, phase 1: Summer-Winter 2022

Laurelhurst Elementary School

Removed and replaced playground.

  • Funding: BEX V

Maple Elementary School

在开放式教室区域安装悬挂式隔音板,以减少教室空间之间的声音传播. Install ceiling fans for increased classroom comfort.

  • Funding: BEX V

McClure Middle School

Made seismic improvements for earthquake safety. Upgraded science classrooms.

  • Funding: BEX IV, BTA III
  • Timeline: Summer 2021 and Summer 2022
steel beams in a ceiling under construction
Installing structural steel for seismic improvements – Fall 2022
a steel beam installed in a brick masonry wall. part of the wall is painted yellow and part is natual brick
Structural steel installed in masonry wall – Summer 2022
Installing strong back walls in corridor – Summer 2022
Installing masonry tie in for seismic improvements – Summer 2022
Science classroom improvements in progress – Summer 2022
new cabinets are with black tops shown in a room under constructio with
Cabinetry installation for science classrooms

North Beach Elementary School

Made seismic improvements for earthquake safety. Replaced exterior doors and installed secure entry vestibule. Upgraded heating and ventilation systems.

  • Funding: BEX IV, BEX V, Distressed Schools Grant
  • Timeline: Summer 2021 and Summer 2022
blue boxes sit on a flat roof
New Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) units as part of upgrades – Sept. 2022
a room with pipes and a boiler
Before: Heating system before new installation – June 2022
pipes and mechanical equipment
After: New heating system installed – Sept. 2022
blue doors in a low brick building
Before: main entry doors before upgrades – June 2022
green doors in a low brick building
After: Main entry doors after upgrades – Sept. 2022
closer view of green doors in a low brick building
After: closer view of new upgraded entry doors – Sept. 2022
Interior doors with a window next to them
New secure entry vestibule to direct visitors to office before entry – Sept. 2022

Salmon Bay K-8 School

Install ceiling fans for classroom comfort.

  • Funding: BEX V

Washington Middle School

Two phase project to make seismic improvements for earthquake safety.

  • Funding: BEX IV
  • Timeline: Summer 2021 and Summer 2022

Wedgwood Elementary School

Remove and replace playground.

  • Funding: BEX V

2021 Projects

2021年夏季完成或正在进行的项目由2009年建筑资助, Technology, and Academics III Capital Levy (BTA III), the 2013 Building Excellence IV Capital Levy (BEX IV), the 2016 Buildings, Technology, and Academics IV Capital Levy (BTA IV), and the 2019 Building Excellence V Capital Levy (BEX V).

2021 Summer Construction Projects

2021年夏季完成或正在进行的项目由2009年建筑资助, Technology, and Academics III Capital Levy (BTA III), the 2013 Building Excellence IV Capital Levy (BEX IV), the 2016 Buildings, Technology, and Academics IV Capital Levy (BTA IV), and the 2019 Building Excellence V Capital Levy (BEX V).

Alder Academy


Ballard High School

Masonry restoration project

Funding: BTA IV

Boren, Lousia STEM K-8

Replace original boiler and system controls

Funding: BEX V

Capacity Projects

Install presentation walls, furniture, 在艾默生小学增加新的通识教育教室, John Marshall School, Pathfinder K-8, and Rainier View Elementary School.

Career and Technical Education (CTE)


Early Learning


Franklin High School

Replace gymnasium roof; make associated masonry repairs and seismic improvements for earthquake safety.

Funding: BEX V

Garfield High School

Restoration of historic doors and courtyard waterproofing.

Gatewood Elementary School


Funding: BEX V

Hay Elementary School


Funding: BEX V

Lafayette Elementary School

对教室、走廊的剪力墙进行抗震改造,保证抗震安全. Install fire sprinklers. Upgrade heating and ventilation system (HVAC).

Funding: BEX IV, BTA III

Leschi Elementary School


Funding: BEX V

Lowell Elementary School

Make modifications to create a school-based health clinic

Funding: Distressed Schools Grant

McGilvra Elementary School

Remove and replace synthetic field turf. Install new flagpole.

Funding: BEX V

North Beach Elementary School

Nova at Horace Mann School

Make modifications to provide space for school health clinic.

Funding: King County Public Health

Roxhill School Building

Make seismic improvements to increase earthquake safety: Lower chimney, improve shear wall capacity in classrooms, improve roof-to-wall connections in gymnasium, auditorium, and covered play area

Funding: BEX IV



Special Education Projects

Make building modifications to meet the needs of Special Education programs.


Lincoln High School, 罗克斯希尔学校:对生活技能进行场地改造,包括橱柜改造和新的电炉.

View Ridge Elementary School

拆除现有的游乐场,并换上新的游乐设备和安全地面. Funding: BEX V

2020 Summer/Systems Projects

Projects in 2020 were funded by by the 2009 Buildings, Technology, and Academics III Capital Levy (BTA III), the 2013 Building Excellence IV Capital Levy (BEX IV), the 2016 Buildings, Technology, and Academics IV Capital Levy (BTA IV), and the 2019 Building Excellence V Capital Levy (BEX V).

Adams Elementary School: Install fire sprinklers (BTA III)

  • Project design: Rolluda ArchitectsConstruction: Good News Construction Group 

Addams (Jane Addams) Middle School Project 1: Replace athletic field using artificial turf with cork infill. Install field lights. (BEX V/BTA IV)

  • Project design: D.A. Hogan & Associates, Inc.Construction: Coast to Coast Turf (field), KCDA (lights)

Project 2: Repair parking lot. (BEX V)

  • Project design: KnitConstruction: TBD

Ballard High School:  Replace athletic field using artificial turf with cork infill. (BEX V)

  • Project design: D.A. Hogan & Associates, Inc.Construction: FieldTurf

Beacon Hill International Elementary School  Project 1: Make seismic (earthquake safety) improvements. (BEX IV)

  • 项目设计:Rolluda architects施工:Reynolds General Contracting, Inc.

Project 2: Remove existing playground surface. Install new safety tile surface. (BEX V)

  • Project design: Weisman Design GroupConstruction: KCDA

Broadview-Thomson K-8 School:  继续去年夏天开始的项目,使地震(地震安全)改进. (BEX IV)

  • Construction: Lincoln ConstructionProject design: DLR Group

Cedar Park Elementary School:  Build a restroom addition. (BTA IV and Washington Distressed Schools grant)

  • Project design: Studio Meng StrazzaraConstruction: TBD

Dearborn Park International Elementary School:  Remove existing northwest playground surface. Install new safety tile or synthetic turf. Remove plastic play curb from east playground. Install new concrete curb and ramp. Install new wood fiber safety surface. (BEX V)

  • Project design: Weisman Design GroupConstruction: KCDA

Dunlap Elementary School:  Remove existing play equipment and equipment. Install new play equipment and safety surface. (BEX V)

  • Project design: Weisman Design GroupConstruction: KCDA

Franklin High School:  Continue replacing doors and windows. (BTA IV)

  • Project design: Bassetti ArchitectsConstruction: Sheldrup Building Services

Green Lake Elementary School:  拆除选定的现有游戏设备、砖石墙和操场安全表面. 安装新的游戏设备,混凝土墙,斜坡和操场安全表面. (BEX V)

  • Project design: Weisman Design GroupConstruction: KCDA

Hale (Nathan Hale) High School:  Replace athletic field using artificial turf with cork infill. Replace track surface and field event areas. (BTA IV)

  • Project design: D.A. Hogan & Associates, Inc.Construction: Coast to Coast Turf

Hawthorne Elementary School:  Remove surfacing and some play equipment. Install new play equipment and safety surfacing. (BEX V)

  • Project design: Weisman Design GroupConstruction: KCDA

Lowell Elementary School
项目一:拆除现有的游乐设备,拆除选定区域的木纤维安全表面. Install new play equipment, safety surfacing, and curbs. (BEX V)

  • Project design: Weisman Design GroupConstruction: KCDA

Project 2: Repurpose classroom for health clinic.

  • Work performed by district shops

Maple Elementary School
Project 1: Make seismic (earthquake safety) improvements. (BEX IV)

  • Project design: Rolluda ArchitectsConstruction: Reynolds General Contracting

Project 2: Remove existing play equipment and asphalt. Install new playground and safety surfacing. (BEX V)

  • Project design: Weisman Design GroupConstruction: KCDA

McGilvra Elementary School:  Remove selected existing play equipment and asphalt. Install new play equipment and safety surfacing. (BEX V)

  • Project design: Weisman Design GroupConstruction: KCDA

Montlake Elementary School:  Remove existing play equipment, timber edging, and wood fiber safety surfacing. Install new playground equipment, rubber safety tiles, and perimeter tiles. These structures will be retained during the future modernization project. (BEX V)

  • Project design: Weisman Design GroupConstruction: KCDA

North Beach Elementary School:  Repair playground pavement (BEX V)

  • Project design: KnitConstruction: TBD

Olympic View Elementary School:  Remove select existing play equipment, select concrete, and fence panels. 安装新的游戏设备,安全表面,围栏面板,混凝土路缘和坡道. (BEX V)

  • Project design: Weisman Design GroupConstruction: KCDA

Orca K-8 School:  Make seismic (earthquake safety) improvements. (BEX IV)

  • Project design: Rolluda ArchitectsConstruction: TBD

Rising Star Elementary School:  Complete roof replacement that began last year.

  • 项目设计:Stemper Architecture合作建造:Wayne 's Roofing

Sacajawea Elementary School:  Repair south playground pavement. (BEX V)

  • Project design: KnitConstruction: TBD

Wedgwood Elementary School:  Make seismic (earthquake safety) improvements. Install roof coating. (BEX IV, BTA IV)

  • Project design: Stemper Architecture CollaborativeConstruction: 

West Seattle High School: Roof replacement project including work at historic steep-slope tile roofs, steep-slope standing seam roofs, and low-slope roofs. Also includes historic brick restoration.

  • 项目设计:Stemper Architecture合作建造:Wayne 's Roofing

Whitman Middle School
Project 1: Make seismic (earthquake safety) improvements. (BEX IV).

  • Project design: Rolluda Architects, Inc.Construction: 

Project 2: Install field lights.

  • Project design: D.A. Hogan & AssociatesConstruction: KCDA

Portable Classrooms

增加便携式教室,以帮助管理学校的容量:简亚当斯中学, Broadview-Thomson K-8 School, and Mercer International Middle School.

  • 项目设计:Rolluda建筑事务所;施工:奥林匹克半岛建筑公司

Capacity Projects

对Broadview-Thomson K-8学校的建筑进行改造,以帮助管理学校容量, Bryant Elementary School, B.F. Day Elementary School, Dunlap Elementary School, Eckstein Middle School, Emerson Elementary School, King (Martin Luther King) Elementary School, Mercer International Middle School, Seattle World School, West Seattle High School, and Whitman Middle School.

  • Work performed by district shops

Special Education Projects

对建筑进行改造,以满足简亚当斯中学特殊教育项目的需要, Chief Sealth High School, Kimball Elementary School, Lafayette Elementary School, Mercer International Middle School, and Whittier Elementary School.

  • Work performed by district shops

Early Learning Projects

在卡斯卡迪亚小学(Cascadia Elementary School, B .)为早期学习进行建筑改造.F. Day小学,Leschi小学和John Muir小学.

  • Work performed by district shops

2019 Summer/Systems Projects

Projects in 2019 were funded by by the 2009 Buildings, Technology, and Academics III Capital Levy(BTA III), the 2013 Building Excellence IV Capital Levy (BEX IV), the 2016 Buildings, Technology, and Academics IV Capital Levy (BTA IV), and the 2019 Building Excellence V Capital Levy (BEX V).

Ballard High School : Exterior masonry repairs. (BTA IV)

Blaine, Catharine K-8 School: Seismic improvements (earthquake safety). (BEX V)

Broadview-Thomson K-8 School : Phase I seismic improvements. (BEX IV)

Cascade Parent Partnership Program at North Queen Anne : Roof replacement. (BEX V)

Eckstein Middle School : Phase II seismic improvements. (BEX IV) Sunshades on south-facing windows. (State grant)

Franklin High School : Phase I doors and windows replacement. (BEX IV)

Garfield High School: Track and field improvements and field lighting. (BTA IV)

Laurelhurst Elementary School : Seismic improvements. (BEX IV)

Muir, John Elementary School : Geothermal well installation in preparation for a geothermal heating system. (BTA III) 

Olympic View Elementary School : Selective roof replacement and repair. (BTA IV)

Rising Star Elementary School at AAA: Phase I roof replacement. (BEX V)

Sand Point Elementary School : Seismic improvements. (BEX IV)

View Ridge Elementary School : Seismic improvements. (BEX IV)