


A Family Guide to 幼儿园

In every grade, SPS’ core work is supporting student learning. 我们相信我们有责任尽一切努力确保每一个孩子, 不分种族, 性别, 社会经济地位, 语言能力, 学习方式或残疾, achieves to their highest level. 

Your child is starting the elementary school journey, 你可能会对他们在课堂小组中的表现有很多疑问, 他们是否会成为朋友, or how they will manage in a new environment.

你可能会问他们准备好了吗?? 他们的老师知道如何让他们感到舒适、平静或充满挑战吗?

A young student in a classroom smiles for a photo


和老师、同学以及你一起,幼儿园的学生将会发展这些技能 他们需要阅读, 写, 说话, 数, 解决问题, 问问题, and learn about the physical and social worlds.


When you share about your child with teachers and school staff, you can learn how your child interacts in a group, 与成人, and with children different from them. 老师从你那里听到孩子的长处和挑战,从而获得如何帮助孩子的想法.




  • Family Connection Conferences
  • 开学第一天


  • 家长会


  • End of 1st Trimester; 1st Progress Report Available


  • End of 2nd Trimester; 2nd Progress Report Available


  • End of 3rd Trimester; 3rd Progress Report Available

View the full school year calendar


虽然成绩单对你来说可能是全新的,但你的孩子大约每三个月就会收到一张. There are three terms, called trimesters, each year.

了解年级期望对你来说是很重要的. 老师和家长应该一起讨论学习社交情感技能的目标, 语言艺术, 数学, 科学, 社会研究, 体育及艺术. Each area has a progress report section.

How to Access Progress Reports

Families will use The Source to view 学生进度报告.





Three students stand together with a school mascot 虎鲸

Social emotional learning (SEL) helps children:
• Manage emotions, show empathy
• Have positive relationships
• Contribute to their community

These skills are important for learning and life.

More about social emotional learning at SPS.


  • 说出你的感受 makes it easier to make choices. Children and adults can talk about their thoughts, 他们的身体感觉如何, 他们每天的情绪,所以在有压力的时候会更容易.
  • Setting and celebrating goals makes it more fun to get things done. 从错误中吸取教训,注意什么是有效的,这样你就可以做得更多!
  • Solving problems with kindness 给了我们一个相互理解和练习做“最好的自己”的机会.”


In English 语言艺术 (ELA), kindergarten students learn to:

  • 命名、打印并确定所有大写和小写字母的读音
  • 开始阅读和理解课文,理解生词的意思
  • Retell what is read, using key details from the text
  • Ask questions about their reading
  • Describe characters, settings, and events in stories
  • 写、画或口述给助手,以达到不同的目的
  • Develop writing by adding details
  • 与不同的伙伴一起参与幼儿园主题的合作对话,并与同龄人和成年人一起学习课文

Read more about 语言艺术 at SPS.

  • 创造一个舒适、不受干扰的阅读空间
  • 让你的孩子告诉你他们阅读时遇到的问题, 最喜欢的角色, 他们学到了什么?)
  • 鼓励你的孩子用文字和/或图画创造故事
  • 浏览网上和当地图书馆的网站,找到你的孩子喜欢读的书
How Can Families Help Students in ELA

Encourage reading at home with your child. Read to them or listen to them read every day.


在幼儿园数学, students will build on their foundational understanding to: 

  • Know number names and the 数 sequence within 100 
  • 数一数,告诉对象的数量,并比较数量到20 
  • 比较10以内的数字 
  • 理解组合(加)和分解(减)的概念 
  • Learn addition and subtraction facts within 5 
  • 组合和分解数字11到19来获得位值的基础 
  • Identify and describe 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes 

We believe all students have 数学ematical brilliance. 您孩子的老师寻求培养才华,使您的孩子成为一个数学思想家和解决问题的人. Your child will see who sees the value of 数学 in their life.

您的孩子将通过(数学实践)学习和发展数学思维方式。. 一些数学练习的例子是用数学来模拟真实的情况, persevering in solving problems, 构建, 批判数学论证,直观地表达数学思想.

More about elementary 数学 at SPS.


What are kindergarteners learning in 科学?

This is a time for transition in 科学 education, 教学和学习集中在华盛顿州科学学习标准的三个关键领域:

  1. 专业人士用来解释世界或解决问题的科学/工程实践
  2. Core ideas that include fundamental scientific 知识
  3. 横切概念构建了跨生命、地球/空间、物理科学的科学思维.

Your child’s report card shows performance expectations, for what students should be able to do by the end of a unit. 这三个维度被编织到每个表现期望中.

More about elementary 科学 at SPS.

  • 问一些开放式的问题,并花时间鼓励对方给出深思熟虑的回答:“告诉我你做了什么.” “What do you think caused the change?” “Can you think of a different way to do it?”
  • 仔细观察,注意自然和物理事物的小细节,比如蜘蛛网的形状或面包的种类.
  • 预测并测试事情是如何运作的:“一块冰块在柜台上能放多久??” “Will it melt faster on another surface?”
  • 鼓励调查. 试着把东西拆开看看它们是如何工作的——从鲜花到旧电器. Don’t worry about putting them back together!
  • 让你的孩子通过绘画、写作或对话来解释或建模.
  • Challenge your student to argue from evidence. This is not fighting but using facts to explain their thinking. 问:“你怎么知道的?”“为什么呢?”




What’s important about kindergarten 社会研究?

Social studies is about human relationships and societies. 在每个年级,学生学习文化和社区. In kindergarten, the classroom community is important.

The report card shows two areas 你和你的孩子今年可以讨论的社会研究:

  1. 公民:理解课堂和学校社区规则的目的
  2. 历史: 创建 timelines showing events in order (a sequence)

More about 社会研究 at SPS.


在体育教育(PE), students build movement skills, 知识, 健身, 社会福利, and 信心 so they can enjoy a healthy, 积极的生活方式. 正规的棋牌平台排行榜致力于提供高质量的体育教育课程,以帮助学生在这些方面发展. 

我们的体育标准 are based on motor and movement patterns and skills, as well as concepts like physical literacy, 也就是能力, 信心, and desire to be physically active for life. PE is an instructional program, which makes it different from recess, 自由发挥, 休闲体育, 或体育运动.

体育教师与通识教育教师合作,提供平均每周100分钟的高质量教学, which is required by 华盛顿 state law. 学校 organize PE times in different ways, 但是所有的学生都应该在一整年的时间里了解他们的身体状况! 

More about physical education at SPS.


研究表明,接受过艺术教育的学生更投入, 在学校表现更好, 更有可能毕业并参与社区生活. 在西雅图的公立学校, we want every student to receive a comprehensive, predictable arts education during their K-12 years.

Each elementary school offers different arts programs, from possibilities including visual arts, 一般的音乐, 剧院, 跳舞, 或者器乐.

进度报告标准 来自华盛顿州艺术学习标准,该标准侧重于艺术过程的各个方面:

  • 创建: developing new artistic ideas and work.
  • 执行: interpreting and presenting artistic ideas / work
  • 回应: understanding and evaluating meaning in the arts
  • 连接: Relating personally to artistic ideas and work


More about arts education at SPS.

  • Ask your children what they created today. 
  • Have your child describe what their art is about. 
  • Art is an area children experiment and make mistakes. 
  • Ask them to tell you about a “beautiful oops.” 
  • 一起创作艺术! 
